Stanislaw Wojciechowski

After the long efforts of the university authorities, the State University of Applied Sciences in Kalisz (now Calisia University) finally got its patron.
In accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Sport of April 28, 2005 it is the second President of the Republic of Poland, Stanisław Wojciechowski.
Stanisław Wojciechowski was born on March 15, 1869 in Kalisz. In 1888 he graduated from the Męskie Gimnazjum Klasyczne in Kalisz (now The Adam Asnyk Secondary School), and then began studies at the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of the University of Warsaw. From the moment he entered the university, he was associated with secret organizations. He left Warsaw because his continued presence could endanger his colleagues who were involved in the conspiracy activity. He went to Zurich and Paris, and from there to England.
In 1905 he came to Poland, where he immediately joined the whirlwind of social activities.
From 1919 to 1920 he was the Minister of Internal Affairs in the offices of Ignacy Jan Paderewski and Leopold Skulski. On December 20, 1922, he was elected President of the Republic of Poland. Jan Skotnicki, who was in charge of the state’s cultural policy in the years 1922-1929, recalled the figure of Wojciechowski: He was a social activist, a Puritan. Everyone worshiped and respected him. He was respectable but distant. After the elections, there was no man in Poland who would be satisfied with Wojciechowski’s election, but no one could accuse this man of anything […] he denied himself everything, just to spare the state treasury. He supposed that this is what a democratic president should be like.He died on April 9, 1953 in Gołąbki near Warsaw. He was buried in the Powązki Cemetery. He went down in the post-war history of Poland as a man of civic merits and virtues.