I was studying Nursing in Poland and everything was wonderful. I made a lot of friends from Poland and from another countries and we had so much fun. I was inspired to study abroad in Poland because I was there last year and the country has such a strong cultural identity I could really understand Poland as a culture and society. I thought studying in Kalisz made the most sense because the city is so culturally diverse and aligns with my interests. I had also free time to visit another cities in Poland like Warsaw, Krakow, Wroclaw, Poznan and Lodz. Poland has a diverse collection of ecosystems and wildlife. So when you need a break from the books, there are loads of interesting places to explore. 

I Also had time to visit another countries like Austria, Croatia, Spain, Portugal and Germany. What I learn while studying abroad will help me understand my degree more and give me an idea of how I will use it in the future. 

The quality of study abroad is an interesting and controversial topic among college students. Studying abroad is a chance to travel the world and see the places one wants to see, while also taking classes at a nearby college. Depending on the program the student chooses, they may have the option of staying in a dormitory at the prospective college, or in a nearby hotel. 

The phrase study abroad means a persons intent to gain knowledge outside of the confines of their country. There are many various aspects of studying abroad. You must be prepared: It is fun and exciting. Poland might not have been on your list of possible destinations to study. But if you’d like to earn a degree in a vibrant country where your student loan will go that little bit further, then it’s time to give Poland some serious consideration!

When I came back from study abroad I  wanted to promote the experience with everyone. If anyone asks me about my program or my host country I will gladly answer any questions they might have.