Hi, My name is Sırrı and I’m from Turkey. I was in Kalisz two years ago and I spent a really great time there. I promised myself to come to Kalisz again. As you know, studying abroad and living in another country, in a different culture is not as easy as it sounds but I felt like at home in Kalisz. The city is small that’s true but we found a lot of things to do together. You can find everything you need easily. The professors were so nice and always tried to show us more than our classes. They arranged some visits to local hospitals and other health centers. International Relations Office staff organized some meetings, trips, and other events for us. I’m really looking forward to visiting the city and reviving all the good memories again. Don’t hesitate to go to Kalisz!

Mus Alparslan University, Turkey

Osoby pozują do zdjęcia

Hello, I’m Igor. First of all, I would like to express my gratitude for the opportunity to participate in internships in the Netland Computers company in Kalisz. During my mobility, I was involved in some company’s activities and performed professional tasks. Thanks to my internships, I broaden my knowledge and skills. It was very exciting!

Nizhny Novgorod State Engineering and Economic University in Knyaginino

Dwóch mężczyzn pozuje do zdjęcia

Hi, I’m Seyda. Kalisz was my second home. I had a lot of Polish friends. They were all very polite and valuable people for me. I spent a fun time in Kalisz Aqua Park, the city center, municipal parks, and forests. I want to finish with a joke: “Kalisz is the most beautiful city in Europe” at least for us.

Afyon Kocatepe  University (Turkey)

Hi, I’m Betül. I study Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation in Bolu (Turkey) and I had my the Erasmus+ experience at PWSZ in Kalisz. I can safely say that it was one of the best experiences in my life!
I was accommodated in the university Student Dormitory ”BULIONIK” and I was very happy with it. It was so much better than I had expected and I didn’t have any problems. International Relations Office staff was really helpful and I am really thankful for it! They also organized different activities and trips for us and it was really fun. We spent a lot of time together. The knowledge gained at the university was really useful. I loved my teachers. They always had new things to show us. I am so grateful for that. I believe that the Erasmus+ is something that every student should experience in their lives. During my mobility, I’ve made a lot of long-term and amazing friendships. I really enjoyed Kalisz too, I have no regrets!

Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University (Turkey)

Hello, I’m Gamze. I spent 8 months in Kalisz. I met a lot of students from some parts of the world. They helped me to open my mind by sharing different ideas. Thanks to them, I learned how to take different perspectives on life. I found the love of my life on the Erasmus and it made me a lucky person. Now I feel that Kalisz was my second home. I will never forget this experience.

Afyon Kocapete University

Hello, my name is Kirill. I want to share some memories about my mobility in Kalisz. It was my dream to visit Poland and Kalisz as well. The Erasmus+ Programme helped me to make new friends, find new oportunities for my future, discover new places and follow the best study programme. I am grateful to my coordinators who helped us with everything. They are so perfect. They made my stay in Kalisz more colorful. For me, it was like a fairytale. New people, new experience, new friends and new trips. It was my first the Erasmus+ mobility and the best one!

Nizhny Novgorod State Engineering and Economic University in Knyaginino