Oh dear Kalisz, How beautiful you were… with your kind people, professors with high knowledge who tried to teach us something during the lessons, playing guitar in the main square like fools, partying at Bulionik dorm with other Erasmus students, going for runs in Park Miejski, trying to communicate with the cashier in Biedronka with the few words we knew but couldn’t pronounce right. How beautiful you were…

I’m Mohammad, originally from Iran, currently a physiotherapy student in Turkey, and this was my second migration.

Every time I live in a new country, I leave a part of my heart there with memories I will never forget. I felt Kalisz was like my home. I can say Kalisz was my second home, and after returning to Turkey, I realized how much I would miss it.

I learned many things from the teachers, especially Mr. Łukasz Szymczak, one of the best teachers I’ve ever had. He helped me a lot, allowing me to work with him in his clinic and teaching us significant things about our career and life. Honestly, he was the person I aspired to be in the future, so he was my hero!

I am truly grateful for this great opportunity that allowed me to visit twelve countries around Europe, learn a lot from the teachers, discover new cultures and people, and improve myself. Most importantly, Erasmus changed my point of view about the world and made me realize that I have many opportunities to work in Europe after graduation.

From Iran to Kalisz is almost a 4000 km distance. I am proud of myself, and you should strive to improve yourself and come to Kalisz to see how beautiful the world is. Try to get to know new people and learn something from others. Come on, do it now! Kalisz is waiting for you 😉

I am Benita and I am from Kosova. I was a student at UNI-Universum International College in Prishtina, Kosovo, and I studied as an Erasmus student at University of Kalisz. Participation in the Erasmus+ program was the best decision I have ever made. During this time, I gained rich cultural experiences, developed intercultural skills, and built new friendships that will last a lifetime. This program has helped me broaden my horizons and improve my personal and professional skills.

You should try Erasmus as an experience because it offers the opportunity to live and study in a foreign country, immersing yourself in a new culture and gaining different perspectives. This experience helps you develop intercultural and language skills, build international networks, and become more independent and adaptable. Moreover, Erasmus+ is a unique opportunity to broaden your academic and professional horizons, making your CV richer and more distinctive in the job market.

Erasmus+ is a unique opportunity, and being an Erasmus+ participant will also make you unique.

Hello, I am Hilal.

I completed the last spring semester in Kalisz within Erasmus+ program. Kalisz offers you a comfortable life with its quiet and peaceful environment. It is enjoyable to spend time in the parks around the river. In addition, the city is very close to other popular student destinations and easy to reach. 

University of Kalisz is nice with many friendly teachers. They are all very helpful and understanding. We completed a good term together. I hope our other friends who choose this place will also be satisfied. I will miss those times.

Love from Türkiye.

Hello! Firstly, I want to thank my home University Coordinator and Erasmus+ office for giving me the chance of studying under Erasmus+ programme. It was such a nice experience for me. I saw my capabilities from the first hand.

If I have to describe my Erasmus+ days with one word, it would be delightful. Meeting so many different ppeople with different cultures and languages was quite enjoyable.

For me, the best thing about doing Erasmus+ in Kalisz is being like a small family. In Turkey I’m living in a small village, that’s why the city kinda reminds me my home city.

I can easily recommend everyone doing Erasmus+ in Kalisz. If you’re not sure to choose Kalisz for Erasmus, don’t think any second. Just do it ! 😁

My name is Emanuel and I am albanian and I have participated in the Erasmus+ program in Poland, specifically at University of Kalisz.

I am very glad I decided to take part in this project because I learned a lot of new things not only as a student but as a person too.

It was my first time abroad, so I met new people from different countries and got in touch with different cultures.

I am very grateful to my professors who have always been with us in this process. They were all so good and so helpful during our staying in Kalisz.

This program gave me the chance to visit different cities like Wroclaw, Krakow, Warsaw, Poznan etc.

I definitely recommend it to every student to take part if possible.

To all students who are looking to have a different experience and go from Erasmus+, I strongly advise you to think about going to Kalisz in Poland

Hello, my name is Eleni and I am from Albania.
I am very happy that I participated in the Erasmus+ program at University of Kalisz.
I think everyone should be an Erasmus student at least once in their life! This experience gave me the opportunity to travel, study, and learn so much more than any school or university can offer in different aspects. 

The educational system at University of Kalisz was excellent and the lecturers were very professional and friendly. Kalisz is a quiet city with a well-established transportation system that covers the entire area, making it easy to navigate and explore. 
Erasmus+ program also gives you the opportunity to travel to different cities or countries. 
I also made a lot of new friends from different countries and I hope one day I will go and visit their country and culture.
I am very satisfied with Erasmus+ mobility experience in general I would do it again so I do recommend this experience to another student.

As an Erasmus+ student in Kalisz I need to say that this opportunity has been a great experience for me. I am very happy that I shared a semester in University of Kalisz. I had the chance to learn new things , to get to know new people with different backgrounds , cultures and languages . Also I would be pleasured to recommend it to everyone who wants to study abroad to go for it and try this new experience because it is worth it.

I am very greatful to be part of this semester in Kalisz and very thankful to be given this opportunity.

I appreciate everything that Ms Monika Napadłek did to make it easier for us everything that includes in the mobility! 

My Erasmus experience in Kalisz, Poland, was an extraordinary and unforgettable period. During this semester abroad, I had the opportunity to learn a new language and immerse myself in different cultures and traditions, greatly enriching me as a person. 

Thanks to the Erasmus program, I was able to develop personally and grow academically. This program challenged me in various ways, pushing me to step out of my comfort zone and face new and demanding situations. It taught me to be more independent and open to the world. 

Additionally, this period allowed me to make new friends from different countries, share experiences, and create invaluable memories. Traveling around Poland and the neighboring countries was another significant part of this experience, enabling me to explore new places and embark on new adventures.

A special thank you goes to the Erasmus+ program, University of Kalisz, and Universum International College for making this wonderful experience possible. Moreover, I want to express my deep and heartfelt gratitude to my family for their unconditional support. Without your encouragement and backing, this experience would not have been possible. Thank you for everything!

Hi, I am Fjolla from Kosovo, a third-year Nursing student at UNI Universum International College. This semester, I had the incredible opportunity to participate in the Erasmus program at the University of Kalisz. It has been a transformative experience both academically and personally.

During my time at the University of Kalisz, I expanded my academic horizons, delving deeper into nursing practices and gaining valuable insights from a different educational system. Beyond the classroom, I had the pleasure of meeting a diverse range of students and professors, exchanging ideas that broadened my perspective on healthcare and cultural diversity.

Exploring Kalisz and its surroundings has been exhilarating. I’ve had the chance to visit historical landmarks, immerse myself in the local culture, and forge friendships that transcend borders. These interactions have enriched my understanding of global healthcare challenges and strengthened my commitment to making a difference in my future career as a nurse.

Overall, my Erasmus experience at the University of Kalisz has been nothing short of amazing. It has equipped me with invaluable skills, lifelong memories, and a deep appreciation for the importance of international collaboration in the field of nursing. I am grateful for this opportunity and look forward to applying what I’ve learned to my studies and future endeavors.

Hello, I’m Omar, a student from Bethlehem University in Palestine, I wanted to take a moment to share with you the incredible experience I’ve had as an Erasmus + student in Kalisz, Poland at University of Kalisz. These past months have been nothing short of amazing, filled with new experiences, friendships, and cultural discoveries. From the moment I arrived in Kalisz, I was welcomed with open arms by the local students and University staff. Adjusting to life in a new country initially felt daunting, but I quickly found myself immersed in the rich tapestry of Polish culture. Whether it was exploring the charming streets of Kalisz, sampling delicious pierogi, or learning about Poland’s fascinating history, every moment has been a treasure. The people I’ve met during my time here have left a lasting impression on me. My classmates, teachers, and people at the dormitory “Bulionik” have been incredibly kind and supportive, helping me navigate both the academic and social aspects of my exchange program. I’ve forged friendships that I know will endure long after my time in Kalisz comes to an end. Living and studying in Poland has not only broadened my horizons but also deepened my appreciation for cultural diversity. It’s been a journey of personal growth and self-discovery, as I’ve challenged myself to step out of my comfort zone and embrace new opportunities. As I reflect on my time here, I can’t help but feel grateful for this wonderful experience. Being an exchange student in Kalisz has been a privilege, and I will carry the memories and lessons learned with me for a lifetime. Thank you for being a part of my journey, and I look forward to sharing more stories with you soon.