My name is Helton, a student from Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo, Mozambique. 

I actually participated in the Erasmus+ mobility 2024 program at University of Kalisz, at the faculty of social sciences, having attended and completed the six-chair course at that faculty (Entrepreneurship; Financial Analysis; Protection of the population; Marketing Research; Staff team building; Foreign Language English;) for the summer semester. 

My mobility at University of Kalisz began on March 8, 2024 and ended on July 7, 2024, having left Kalisz for Maputo, on July 18, 2024.

However, since my arrival at University of Kalisz, and in the country, Poland, in general, my mobility has had incredible and unforgettable moments. I arrived in Poland and immediately came across the incredible atmosphere and dazzling mix of classic and modern buildings in the capital city of Warsaw, I felt happy and at the same time a dream come true, as it was the first time I had set foot on European soil and Poland as a country. I felt at the time that my journey would be incredible and memorable. From the beauty, the grandeur, the humility and purity of the people and the city of Warsaw, I left towards my final destination, the city of Kalisz with an air of anxiety and happiness for what awaited me there, as I was already sure that a lot of things good things were yet to come, and, as expected, a lot of good things happened and I was able to live in Kalisz and at University of Kalisz. 

Well, having arrived in Kalisz, my adventure and journey through Polish lands begins and, to begin with, nothing better than talking about University of Kalisz. 

University of Kalisz, ahh how extraordinary!! it is by far one of the best universities I have ever been to and met, highly qualified and attentive teachers, classes properly taught by the teachers, the student-teacher relationship was excellent, which enabled a series of debate classes and exchanges of knowledge in a unimaginable and unique way. University of Kalisz offered us teaching materials and a favorable and incredible environment for learning, in addition, I loved the way they combined classes and tours or visits organized by teachers as part of the teaching plan, theoretical classes and visits helped us to learn more about the contents and the rich history of the city of Kalisz and Poland in general. In addition to the teachers, it is important to remember the collaboration and simplicity of the employees at the university of kalisz, from the department of the faculty of social sciences, as their energy and the cordiality with which they treated us were incredible, employees were very helpful and cordial towards all the students. In general, the Faculty of Social Sciences and University of Kalisz allowed us to experience incredible moments, from teaching classes to laser moments. Secondly, it’s worth talking about the culture, the food and the people of Kalisz in general, who for me, I consider them to be the most incredible people I’ve ever met, the rich culture and their food allowed us to quickly integrate, because we experience new cultures, new ways of seeing things, new dishes and flavors, we learn new languages, we broaden our minds to new horizons through the exchange of experiences and knowledge with the people of Kalisz and Poland. In addition to the academic and social part, we were able to discover (through tourism) new cities in Poland, some of these trips and visits were organized by University of Kalisz, such as the trip to Gołuchów Castle. However, in addition, we can discover some of the cities and areas of Poland on our own, such as Poznań and Częstochowa.

It is worth noting that, throughout this process, since my arrival in Warsaw and Kalisz, both at University of Kalisz, at the Bulionik student residence and at a social level, our integration was quick and very good, as the friendliness, humility and The welcome we received from the people and, above all, from the staff and teachers at University of Kalisz and Bulionik, was incredible and unforgettable from the first day to the last day. 

More than the academic part, because I learned and enriched my knowledge with the training I had at University of Kalisz, I was able to grow as a person, as I learned new things, met new people and experienced incredible things that will help me to To be a better human being for myself, for those around me and for the world in general, I take all this knowledge and experiences with me and will certainly pass it on to future generations.

This program is quite incredible, it is huge and I just want to thank you for the opportunity I had to be able to experience these moments and, even better, in Poland, in Kalisz. with this program I am sure that I was extremely enriched with the academic part, as I believe it will open doors for me to a better and more complete professional future, it was an honor and a pleasure to be part of this program and, who knows, I may return trying something like this once again, because I certainly still want and would like to participate and learn from this program, Erasmus+ mobility.

Thank you very much for everything, University of Kalisz, Poland. 

You will always be unforgettable!