Oh dear Kalisz, How beautiful you were… with your kind people, professors with high knowledge who tried to teach us something during the lessons, playing guitar in the main square like fools, partying at Bulionik dorm with other Erasmus students, going for runs in Park Miejski, trying to communicate with the cashier in Biedronka with the few words we knew but couldn’t pronounce right. How beautiful you were…

I’m Mohammad, originally from Iran, currently a physiotherapy student in Turkey, and this was my second migration.
Every time I live in a new country, I leave a part of my heart there with memories I will never forget. I felt Kalisz was like my home. I can say Kalisz was my second home, and after returning to Turkey, I realized how much I would miss it.
I learned many things from the teachers, especially Mr. Łukasz Szymczak, one of the best teachers I’ve ever had. He helped me a lot, allowing me to work with him in his clinic and teaching us significant things about our career and life. Honestly, he was the person I aspired to be in the future, so he was my hero!
I am truly grateful for this great opportunity that allowed me to visit twelve countries around Europe, learn a lot from the teachers, discover new cultures and people, and improve myself. Most importantly, Erasmus changed my point of view about the world and made me realize that I have many opportunities to work in Europe after graduation.
From Iran to Kalisz is almost a 4000 km distance. I am proud of myself, and you should strive to improve yourself and come to Kalisz to see how beautiful the world is. Try to get to know new people and learn something from others. Come on, do it now! Kalisz is waiting for you 😉