By Being part of the Erasmus + program in Kalisz, I develop various skills and abilities. An experience of this type helps me to get to know myself better and to realize my strengths and weaknesses, as well as to learn how to overcome and overcome some obstacles, in other words, it promotes self-knowledge.
I also increased my network of contacts, as we have the opportunity to meet several people, coming from different parts of the world, which can provide us with immense advantages, both personally and professionally.
An experience of this type in my CV can somehow make me stand out among several candidates for a certain position in the job market, from the moment that several specialists in recruitment consider this to be a crucial experience for those who want to make a difference in the job market, not only for the knowledge acquired, but also that those who do Erasmus + are seen as someone with an “open mind”. Embarking on this program certainly makes me interesting, more tolerant, more multifaceted and triggered, as the relationships and interactions created help me to relativize some problems.

Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Mozambique