Hello My name is Zeynep, I am 22 years old and I am from Türkiye. 

Reflecting on my time in Kalisz, I can confidently say it was a period filled with both challenges and remarkable experiences. Despite facing significant difficulties with accommodation, the overall journey was enriching and transformative.

As a physiotherapy student, I had the opportunity to engage in both theoretical and practical lessons, The faculty at the Department of Physiotherapy were incredibly supportive and emphasized the importance of practical, hands-on experience. Their guidance and expertise greatly enhanced my understanding of the field, making my academic journey in Kalisz a rewarding one.

One of the most fulfilling aspects of my Erasmus experience was the friendships I formed and the cultural exchange that took place. Meeting new people from different backgrounds and sharing our stories enriched my perspective and created lifelong memories. Kalisz, with its small-town charm and beautiful natural surroundings, provided the perfect backdrop for these connections to flourish. The town’s serene environment, coupled with its vibrant local culture, made my stay enjoyable and memorable.

The Erasmus+ program also provided me with the incredible opportunity to travel and explore Europe. I visited nine different countries, each offering unique experiences and insights. The experience of discovering new places, learning about different cultures, and immersing myself in various traditions was truly eye-opening and appreciation of the diverse world we live in.

While my Erasmus+ experience in Kalisz started with unforeseen challenges, it ultimately became a period of significant collection of memories. The friendships I formed, and the beauty of Kalisz itself made this journey an unforgettable chapter in my life. Many many Loves from Türkiye.