The 3rd Calisia World Conference on Family Health “State of public health in Poland” will be an international forum for the exchange and analysis of the latest results of research conducted in Poland, Europe and worldwide in the field of health consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as smoking and alcohol consumption. Scientists and practitioners from Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, France, the United States, Great Britain and Italy will discuss, among other things, the methods and future of tobacco treatment and control, unhealthy commodities and monitoring of big industries. Several sessions will cover public health in Poland and issues related to the development of health situation in our country.
The conference will be inaugurated on June 18, when honorary degrees of doctor honoris causa of Calisia University – Kalisz, Poland will be conferred posthumously upon Professor Peter Boyle FRSE, FFPH, FRCPS(Glas), FRCP (Edin), FMedSci and Doctor Mateusz Zygmunt Zatoński, PhD, MA(Hons), MA, MSc(PH), AFHEA. At the end of the ceremony, Professor Theodor Meron from Oxford University will give a lecture entitled “Crimes against humanity, war crimes and jurisdiction”.
The deliberations of medical doctors and public health specialists will be preceded by a session devoted to the protection of human rights, in particular international humanitarian law in the context of the war in Ukraine and acts of genocide, as well as the problem of responsibility in the modern international law.

The conference has been financed by the state budget within the “Doskonała Nauka” programme, module “Wsparcie konferencji naukowych” of the Ministry of Education and Science.
Financing: PLN 250,000
Total value: PLN 297,000